
Bullet For My Valentine

Der Herr BoeLa hat es heute vorgemacht, heute gibt es was knalliges auf die Ohren. Hier sind Bullet For My Valentine mit Tears Don't Fall. Ist ein wirklich krasses Video mit einem moralischen Zeigefinger am Ende. Verletze niemals die Gefühle einer Frau, Sie könnte es Die sehr übel nehmen.

Let's Go...

_doomed_ - 26. Okt, 15:07


Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall

Lets go!

With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home

The moments died, I hear no screaming
The visions left inside me are slowly fading
Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home

Oh! Yeah!

This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end I'm hoping
My world is over one more time

Lets go

Would she hear me if i called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something to be going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall [tears don't fall]
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come...BACK HOME!

Your tears don't fall
They Crash around me
Her consience calls the guilty to come HOME!

der Andere (Gast) - 26. Okt, 15:17


...koks dir nicht die Nase weg, damit du den Unterschied zwischen Benzin und Wasser riechst!


diary of doom

late arrivals

Lass los ...
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Dein Gewissen (Gast) - 3. Sep, 09:07
zwei Jahre
zwei Jahre sind eine lange Zeit... man könnte eigentlich...
_doomed_ - 2. Sep, 22:21
Halt, warte mal... zur...
Halt, warte mal... zur Verfügung zu was? Will ich die...
_doomed_ - 2. Sep, 21:34
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_doomed_ - 2. Sep, 21:33
Also am Samstag stelle...
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DonFalcone (Gast) - 30. Aug, 20:11
ich hätte nie gedacht,...
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_doomed_ - 30. Aug, 18:59
...aber du hattest das...
...aber du hattest das wichtige Utensiel dabei! Am...
der Andere (Gast) - 30. Aug, 12:39
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was nützt es Einem, eine Sonnenbrille in der Straßenbahn...
_doomed_ - 29. Aug, 23:37
leider lebt der doomed...
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der Andere (Gast) - 23. Jun, 22:41
...lang ist's her
Mehr als ein halbes Jahr hier nicht reingeschaut -->...
Mister T (Gast) - 20. Jun, 19:22





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