
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Screaming Into The Sky

Ich will Euch nicht länger meine musikalische Entdeckung des letzten Monats vorenthalten. Die Rede ist von dem gemeinsamen Nebenprojekt des Hatebreed Sängers Jamey Jasta und Crowbar Gitaristen und Sängers Kirk Windstein. Doom Metal meets Hardcore, was für eine Hammer-Mischung. Also hört diesen Song und fallt auf die Knie, vor Kingdom of Sorrow

_doomed_ - 24. Sep, 22:56


Kingdom Of Sorrow - Screaming Into The Sky

I feel so powerless
I suffocate on emptiness
I pray to be awoken from this nightmare

So many things I’ll never say
So many wounds will never heal
Each breath is filled with overwhelming sorrow

In disbelief of how your life was stolen
In disbelief of what would never be
My only solace is knowing
Somehow your soul is finally free

So I’m screaming into the sky
Cause it’s my only way to say goodbye
And I’m still asking for an answer why
Why I never got the chance to say goodbye

Now this is my only way to say to you
That I’m sorry for letting you slip away
I never thought I’d lose you forever
So now I tell the world

So many emotions rush to the surface
But I keep asking myself
Why it had to end like this
Why did it have to end like this

So I’m screaming into the sky
Cause it’s my only way to say goodbye
And I’m still asking for an answer why
Why I never got the chance to say goodbye

In your honor I will live my life
Do the best that I can
And in your memory I will take this life for granted
Ever again

To say goodbye

DonFalcone (Gast) - 25. Sep, 16:16

ja kommt ganz gut ;o) besser als normaler doom, für meinen geschmack

diary of doom

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der Andere (Gast) - 23. Jun, 22:41
...lang ist's her
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Mister T (Gast) - 20. Jun, 19:22





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