_doomed_ - 17. Feb, 23:33


Tiamat - Cain

I gave you my love
Though crystallized
I sent you a rose with nevermore
So many years
So many hours
And only thistles on my shore
For all that it's worth
The blood on my hands
Is the blood of divinities
And all that is lost
Sound or unsound
Only bonds between you and me

If I go will you follow
Me through the cracks and hollows
And I would be your Cain
If you would be here now

The Mother-of-Pearl
Handcrafted by God
You're the tower they built to reach the sky
A White Falcon beauty
My mark on your skin
Follow me down the stairs when we die
Your soul is in heaven
Your body in hell
It doesn't matter much to me
In the night of the unborn
Sound or obscene
Only bonds between you and me

If I go will you follow
Me through the cracks and hollows
And I would be your Cain
If you would be here now

Blessed be our Lady Nuit
Guide us to Ra-Hoor-Khuit
In your night we find shelter
Before the Helter Skelter


Tiamat - Whatever That Hurts

Decoction of Jimsonweed
Slimy trailing plants distil
Claustrophobia and blood mixed seed
Cursed downstairs against my will

Cobweb sticks to molten years
Cockroaches served with cream
I wipe the silver bullet tears
And with every tear a dream

With every tear a dream..

Honey tea, psilocybe larvae
Honeymoon, silver spoon
Psilocybe tea

Energy trickles with the tide
Masterminds and the suicide squad
Drink acid water by my side
Stake the saviour of thier daily fraud

Overfilled toothpaste tubes
Sleepless and timeless faces
Drippety drop on sugarcubes
The one eyed's eye twinkles and gazes

Twinkles and gazes...

Honey tea, psilocybe larvae
Honeymoon, silver spoon
Psilocybe tea



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diary of doom

late arrivals

Lass los ...
Lass verdammt noch mal diesen Strohhalm, mit der Hoffnung...
Dein Gewissen (Gast) - 3. Sep, 09:07
zwei Jahre
zwei Jahre sind eine lange Zeit... man könnte eigentlich...
_doomed_ - 2. Sep, 22:21
Halt, warte mal... zur...
Halt, warte mal... zur Verfügung zu was? Will ich die...
_doomed_ - 2. Sep, 21:34
Sorry, Einschulung...
Sorry, Einschulung...
_doomed_ - 2. Sep, 21:33
Also am Samstag stelle...
Also am Samstag stelle ich mich gerne zur Verfügung!...
DonFalcone (Gast) - 30. Aug, 20:11
ich hätte nie gedacht,...
ich hätte nie gedacht, dass eine Dienstreise nach Hamburg...
_doomed_ - 30. Aug, 18:59
...aber du hattest das...
...aber du hattest das wichtige Utensiel dabei! Am...
der Andere (Gast) - 30. Aug, 12:39
die Sonnenbrille
was nützt es Einem, eine Sonnenbrille in der Straßenbahn...
_doomed_ - 29. Aug, 23:37
leider lebt der doomed...
leider lebt der doomed seinen Blog nicht mehr...aber...
der Andere (Gast) - 23. Jun, 22:41
...lang ist's her
Mehr als ein halbes Jahr hier nicht reingeschaut -->...
Mister T (Gast) - 20. Jun, 19:22





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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Sep, 09:07



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