Walls of Jericho - The Slaughter begins
Zu später Stunde gibt es von mir noch einen besonderen Musik-Tipp. Walls of Jericho sind ja eigentlich für kompromisslosen Hardcore/Metalcore bekannt, aber das letzte Stück The Slaughter begins vom 2008'er Album The American Dream schlägt hier komplett aus der Art. Es ist wohl auch der einzigste Song, den Sängerin Candace Kucsulain mit ihrer cleanen Stimme singt und nicht aus vollem Halse growlt. Unterlegt ist das Ganze mit einem Piano, einfach göttlich. Zu Hardcore kann man also auch kuscheln... Also Gruppenumarmung
Walls of Jericho - The Slaughter begins
Walls of Jericho - The Slaughter begins
_doomed_ - 24. Jun, 00:36
topic: soundcheck
Now I see
I never knew closed eyes could kill me
Now I know, and I see you for who you are
I've spent too much of my life watching you hide inside
Hoping you'd pull it off but your far from anything real
She said let the slaughter begin
Her tears spill to the floor
What a beautiful sight it is
As she lays down to die again, to die again
Once and for all I want someone to owe what's mine
Look to the future with no more lies
I'm writing you up for the final time
This was just the point of pleasure was all mine
This will be the last time, the last time I try
Now I close my eyes
She said let the slaughter begin
Her tears spill to the floor
What a beautiful sight it is
As she lays down to die again, to die again